Kate Teves

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Clean Room Inspection Report (for Parents!)

It’s time to inspect your kid’s clean room!

The kid has finally cleaned their room. Can you believe it? Now it’s time to inspect, and you’ll want to do it right.

Download this FREE and VERY OFFICIAL inspection report and get to work scrutinizing every last detail of your poor, poor child’s work.

*** And don’t forget that you’ll also need a FREE and VERY OFFICIAL inspector’s license!!***

Is your kid still dragging their feet about cleaning their room?

Maybe you need to get them motivated with Percy and Pip’s own tale of heroic room cleaning. These brave squirbles stared adversity in the face and overcame it, and we know (think?) your kid can too.

Check out The Squirbles and the Messy Room!

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Hi! I’m Kate.

I am a writer and illustrator. Thanks for visiting!

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