Kate Teves

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Let's Play Screengrab!

Looking for streaming recommendations?

Well fortunately, these two premium couch potatoes have you covered! 🥔🥔🥔

Christoph and I blindly drew names of movies and TV shows from a bowl, and then we shared our honest reviews with each other in this new YouTube video. These are some of the hottest 2020 shows, and all of them are streaming right now. Yippee! 🥔🥔🥔

I won’t lie, it’s a little embarrassing (very) to see how many hours of content we consumed in the past year. But I like to think I am making up for my hippie years (er, decades). During that stark, miserable era, I consumed nothing but NPR and… birdsongs.

(That was a rather amusing period in my life because, during the same exact time, I was also working as a hapless writer in reality television. You should have seen the looks on my bosses’ faces when I would suggest things like, “Well, why don’t we get Nina Totenburg to narrate this episode?” or “Oh, we simply must get Ira Glass to edit this script.”)

Well, fortunately for your sake, I’ve done an about-face and have gone full potato. 🥔🥔🥔

In this video, we reviewed the following shows:

HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
Comedy Central's "Tosh.O"
Cartoon Network's "Rick & Morty"
AMC's "Breaking Bad"
HBO's "The Outsider"
Amazon's "The Boys"

Take a look and let us know what we got right and what we got wrong.

And most importantly, what should we stream in 2021?

Let us know in the comments! 🥔🥔🥔