Kate Teves

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Free Download: Percy & Pip's DIY Christmas Ornaments

Percy and Pip are simply bursting with excitement for the holidays! So they made some very fancy, very delightful, very squirble-ly Christmas ornaments! You can download the black and white versions to color them yourself, OR you can download the colorized version. Either way, it’s jollllllyyyyy good funnnn!

Here’s what you will need:

  • printer

  • scissors

  • glue

  • string or ribbon


  • crayons or colored pencils

  • hole puncher

  • stiff backing such as card stock or cardboard

STEP 1: Download the sheets! Here you go:

STEP 2: [optional] Color your printout. I recommend crayon or colored pencil. Marker can make some printer ink bleed, but experiment until you find the right stuff.

STEP 3: [optional] Glue your printout to a stiffer backing. In the picture below, I used card stock (it has Christmas motifs on the backside). Allow to dry.

STEP 4: Cut the pattern along the dotted edge.

STEP 5: Create a hole at the top of the ornament for string or ribbon. You can use a hole puncher or just use your scissors.

STEP 6: Attach a thread or ribbon. I used thread and made a loop (see below) so that it hangs straight and doesn’t flap around.

STEP 7: Make some hot chocolate and dance around your Christmas tree!

See this gallery in the original post