Unboxing a Tiny Glowubble... WCGW?


What is a Glowubble?

Yeah, that’s exactly what I was wondering. But a quick Google search informed me that, of the 7 billion inhabitants on this planet, I’m one of only two people in the world who doesn’t know what these things are.

Christoph is the other one.

And so it was very exciting to present him with this glowing marvel of the 21st century.

Now what you may not know about my husband is that he is a 12-year-old trapped in a 40+ year old body. So watching him open a Wubble ball—a glowing Wubble ball—is just as good as watching any wide-eyed, slave-to-capitalism child on Christmas morning.

How do you inflate a Wubble ball?

Oh, I’m glad you asked. As you can see in the video, you do NOT do what Christoph did.

Can you pierce a Wubble ball?

Why yes. Yes, you can. Funny you should ask.

Can you repair a Wubble ball with a hole in it?

Nope. Sorry, kid.

And what do you do if you pierce a Wubble ball?

Well, you complain, of course. And you complain quite a lot until the person who gave you the Wubble ball gets so fed up with you that they agree to shell out another $6.99 for a new one.

And does a Glowubble really glow in the dark?


Do you want to know how I know this?

Because my darling 12-year-old husband loves toys so much that he has insisted on keeping this darn inflated Glowubble on top of our dresser for months now. It is nestled amidst our wedding announcement and a few framed photos of our family. And for months and months and months I have had to look at this thing every single night before drifting into the land of Nod.

Over time, it has gathered a disgusting, gray layer of dust.

So don’t you have one more question?

I thought so!

How do you clean a Glowubble?

You dunk it under water in the sink with a little dish soap. Swish, swoosh. Good as new.

Watch the video.