Super Duper Bubble Trouble
Super Duper Bubble Trouble
Written and Illustrated by Kate Teves
The day was a dud,
and our mood was a zero.
We were bored of our toys
and our old superhero.
“He’s not even real,”
I confessed with a sigh.
“Just a thing made for kids—
and he can’t even fly.”
We sat there in silence,
we were tired and bored…
when all of a sudden
the TV it roared.
A familiar voice,
and we knew it quite well—
Commander Kit Bubbles
had something to sell.
Attention all squirbles!
Are you covered in grime?
Then try my new product!
And do not waste your time!
It’s sudsy, it’s squeaky,
an instant new fave:
the soapiest bubbles
with which you can bathe!
“Now that’s a real hero!”
I stated to Pip—
“She’s traveled to Mars
on a zippy spaceship.”
Well we all went at once
to the town’s only market!
We drove the car ‘round
but saw nowhere to park it!
Squirbles were running,
and squirbles were yelling,
and squirbles were wanting
this thing that was selling.
I raced to go capture
my own bottle pink
but lost the last bottle
to Stan Humpferdink.
The shelves were all empty,
no bottles of foam—
we whimpered and cried
all the way home.
Without any suds
we cried out our troubles
while all other Squirbles
relaxed in their bubbles.
But the very next day
I was there at my sink
when out on the street
I saw old Humpferdink.
Daytime - Percy sees Humpferdink —>
His fur was all pink,
like a bright summer rose
from his toes to his hands,
to his ears, to his nose.
I ran out to ask him
just what had gone wrong
but soon there was gathered
a very pink throng.
“The bubbles!” they shouted
“the bubbles” they cried!
“Our fur is not normal!
Our fur it is dyed!”
And then there were whispers
that fur could start shedding—
and many more rumors
were spilling and spreading.
I rushed to the station
to go talk to our chief—
I knew Captain Sandwich
would solve all this grief!
"Now Percy, now Pip,
you go back to your home.
There’s nothing the matter
with this bubbly foam.”
[picture of Percy holding up a mirror to the Captain and he is horrified by his pink fur.]
The Captain he gasped
and he hurried and dressed
and he ran to go fix
this bad squirble-y mess.
He climbed to the top
of his ladder and sprayed,
and we waited to watch
the pink colors fade.
But instead we were stunned
as the color quadrupled!
and the squirbles pink fur
was now actually purpled!
As all of the squirbles
stood their scared and depressed
I saw little pip
press his hand to my chest.
“Oh what is it now,”
I said with a frown,
“that product has stained
this whole squirble town.
But Pip just ignored me
and climbed up on the rungs
and called out a name
at the top of his lungs:
We called and we called
to the stars and the moon
and begged our old friend
to come down to us soon.
And all of a sudden
in a flash of green light
we saw SuperSquirble
as he came in a flight.
He darted, he dashed,
and he stuck out a hand,
and straight from his palm
a bright light did expand!
And in just a few seconds
with a dash of star-burst
this whole foamy mess
was swiftly reversed!
At last he looked down
at our faces so cheery
and saw that our fur
was all sweaty and smeary.
“You need a good bath,
a good scrub and a sprinkle.
My very own product
will make your fur twinkle!”