Tips For Printing My Downloads


Best paper to use for printables:

Best deal on the internet. Get it.

In order to create beautiful pages with crisp, sturdy lines THAT DON’T SMUDGE, you’ll want to print on CARD STOCK. Regular printer paper just isn’t thick enough to absorb the ink.

A light, 65lb card stock works well in any home printer. And at $4.99 for a pack of 75 sheets, it’s reasonably priced.

Astrobrights 65lb Cardstock is cheap and sturdy, and it’s the best deal on the internet. I’ve done my homework (for once). Get it.

If you don’t have card stock, can you print on regular paper?

Yes, dear. I won’t tell little Jimmy. But he might tell his friends that you are “the worst!!!!”

Allow the ink to dry!

This is a must for preventing smudging. Various people on the internet will tell you that you need to let your printables dry for six hours. Please, you’ve got a life and that life includes a whining child who will burn down the house if he doesn’t get a printable right this very second.

So, let it dry for, say, 20 minutes. While the ink dries, your child can go to the bathroom and wash his hands. That should take a couple hours.

When possible, print in draft mode.

Nearly all of my projects will look just fine in draft mode. This is especially true for the black & white versions of my projects. The lines will be fine.

Only print what you need:

This is obvious, but be sure to check which pages you really need to print. Each project usually comes with a page of instructions and often can include multiple projects in the same download.

Look into an ink subscription.

Many printer companies now offer an ink subscription service which seriously cuts down the cost of printing. Have I done it? No. So do I know what I’m talking about? No.

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