Phoenix Activity Packet inspired by "Mulan" - Digital Download

Phoenix Activity Packet inspired by "Mulan" - Digital Download
Calling all Mulan fans! My printable Phoenix Packet contains seven unique Mulan-inspired, phoenix activities with my original artwork! (You can learn more about this project right here.)
13 pages
printable black & white projects
suitable for ages 6-11
Additional supplies required: tape, glue, markers or crayons, paint stick, ribbon.
1 pattern for phoenix puppet
2 patterns for food bucket and “phoenix phood”
1 pattern for Chinese lantern
“official” phoenix license
Chinese cloud practice
memory game
“Felix the Phoenix Needs a Kleenex” picture game
NOTE: This is a DIGITAL product that you will receive to your email.
Terms of Use:
All of this product's content is the copyrighted property of Kate Teves.
It is for non-commercial personal, classroom or public library use only.
By downloading these files you agree not to reproduce or distribute them for commercial purposes.
You may not alter, transmit, sell or profit in any way from this electronic file or printed copies.
You may not store or distribute this file on any other website or location where people could copy, download or print it. (e.g. Facebook groups, Dropbox, email, 4Shared).