Boomfs Are The Perfect Surprise for Your Next Tween Party
We boomfed.
Well, it's official. Christoph and I are total suckers. We paid good money to print our photographs onto...marshmallows. Then we roasted our faces and put them onto...German hazelnut wafers.
And you know what? It was amazing.
All of this was courtesy of James Middleton—the brother of Kate Middleton. His company Boomf creates these wildly unnecessary and wonderful things.
And, I don’t admit it often, but frankly, I’m a reluctant (but very loyal) fan of unnecessary and wonderful things.
(For example, I have a dazzling swizzle stick collection AND I seem compelled to cover everything I own in gold!)
A lot of people have said that Boomf is the dumbest company in the world. Those people are right. But they are also boring.
PS. Don’t burn your Boomf s’mores!
Ok but there is one BIG problem with Boomfs…
These cute lil’ smooshy wooshy doodlebugs are EXPENSIVE.
They cost about $20 for a box of nine marshmallows. That is why I started this post by saying that Christoph and I are total suckers. Who in their right mind spends $20 on a few pieces of gelatinized sugar?
We do. Unnecessary, wonderful. There it is.