Well, the 2.5 Inch Paper Punch is Actually Pretty Awesome
Look. I hate spending money, and I am never going to recommend pointless craft tools to my readers because I am not somebody who buys pointless craft tools.
(What’s that? Christoph disagrees with that statement? Let’s talk about his tennis closet.)
Don’t get me wrong. I do have a nice little studio of various doo-dads, but generally speaking, I try hard to avoid trinkity trunketies that get used once and are then promptly delivered to the Gods of Goodwill within a fortnight.
That being said, I own a craft object that—even when I purchased it!—I was sure would be voyaging to the nearest thrift store in no time. And, in spite of myself, I happen to love it.
The 2.5 Inch Paper Punch
Hey Siri, add this to my Christmas list.
Part of the problem with the 2.5 inch paper punch is that it looks like a craft object, which is an aesthetic that makes my skin crawl. Why couldn’t they have made it look like an industrial die cutting machine? Is that too much to ask?
My disdain for crafty objects should come as a surprise to you because, well, I’m in the business of making crafts. I’ll explain another time.
For now, all you need to know is that I use this “creeyafty” paper punch more than I ever thought I would, and I recommend you get your hands on one. Sure, it’s a slippery slope to an SNL parody of your life, but at least you haven’t started writing “crafts” with a K yet or calling yourself “krazy.” Have you???
You’ll see me using this paper punch in many of my projects. It makes my circle designs look crisp and finished. Scissored edges have their charms, but I’ve suffered enough hand cramps to know that scissors don’t always…cut it. Oh.
Punch it, you krazy kraft girlz.
Hi! I’m Kate.
I am a writer and illustrator. Thanks for visiting!