Gifts for Tweens: The Cool Girl Collection
Sure, I’ll go ahead and place this under Tweens. But you can bet your bottom dollar that, despite being in my 4th decade, I would personally like to own every single thing on this list. Here you go:
Fine Metallic Markers
For some reason, drawing on rocks is a thing right now. I don’t get it, but I don’t have to. The main takeaway here is that metallic pens are awesome.
Moon Stickers
These are paper stickers so they blend in with stationery and envelopes without a glossy sheen. They are great for decorating letters and journals. Not great for skateboards, bottles, or anything that comes in contact with water.
Puffin in Bloom Boxed Set
This is a set of classics from Juniper Books, combined with jacket design by Rifle Paper Co. While you’re on the Juniper site, scroll around to see other sets such as Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
Andy Warhol Dominoes
Just fun doo-dads!
Metallic Washi Tape
Washi tape is meant for adorning envelopes and journals and the like. Not meant for affixing things.
Fujifilm Instax
Suffice it to say that every person in America—kid or adult—has always and will always want a Polaroid camera. This little Fuji take on the old classic comes with boundless doo-dads and diddle-bops. We got this for Christoph’s goddaughter and she practically fainted from over-excitement.
Japanese Treat Gift Box
There are several subscription services available for Japanese candies and treats. Is that cool or what??? If you’re not ready for the subscription and just want to do individual candies, head your sweet tooth on over to Napa Japan.
This White Swiss Army Knife
My dad gave me a Swiss Army Knife when I was ten years old, and I have had it my whole life. Whenever I use it, I always think of him and how excited he was to give it to me. It was like a rite of passage: I was finally old enough to be trusted with a knife of my own. This white one is smokin’!
Cat in the Box Bank
This piggy bank is something that nobody needs, but come on, there’s something kind of mesmerizing and odd and utterly Japanese about it.
Silk Sleep Mask
I just woke up and mine is perched on my forehead as I type a blog post and drink morning coffee in bed. Very Audrey Hepburn of me!
Rifle Paper Recipe Box
Fill this box with your own recipes or reach out to relatives and fill it with family recipes (they will love you for this sweet gesture). This box comes from the good folks at Rifle Paper Co. based in Winter Park, FL.
Skinny Gold Candles
Happy Birthday, Beautiful.
Picnic Basket for Two
Well, this is adorable. Pack up a picnic with your bestie and head out on a lunch date at the park.
Bianyo Alcohol-Based Markers
For the price, these are the best markers I have ever owned. EVERYONE NEEDS THESE!
Wax Seals
It turns out that people of all ages love wax seals. Don’t forget to purchase the wax too - it comes in tons of super nifty colors. You can also find more unique seal designs on Etsy.
Swizzle Sticks
I have a major obsession with swizzle sticks which is 100% useless, but nonetheless, we are stuck with it. I very much prefer glass swizzles, but you really need to cruise around eBay to find these (the ones at Target break if you sneeze). Incidentally, I am also obsessed with flamingoes.
Hollow Book Safe
Everyone loves a hollow book safe, and this seller on Etsy does a superb job of curating beautiful book covers from Harry Potter to Moby Dick.
Glass Straws
We are all doing the right thing by banning plastic straws, but right thing or wrong, we all should have realized years ago just how marvelous glass straws are. These little numbers are strong and pretty, just like you.
Silk Kimono
Every girl needs a silk kimono for lounging around her room, even though I myself do not have one (you may send me one and I’ll be very happy with you). These come in buckets of colors and are chic to boot.
Paper Cut Night Light
This is a little darling, and it comes in several styles. It is a night light that is just as pretty when turned on as it is when turned off.
Letters of Note
This book arrived on the scene in 2014 after a wildly popular blog by Shaun Usher that collected and shared special letters. The letters here are reproduced so you can see the original handwriting and stationery. Transcriptions and context allow you to make sense of them. They’re cool. Everyone thinks so.
Croquet Set
The croquet party is the new tea party. (Vintage party dresses sold separately!)
Ghost Chair
Real ghost chairs cost approximately five million dollars. But these knockoffs are identical and fabulous. We bought six clear ones for our dining room , and they are gorgeous!
Moon Globe
In addition to the moon, you can also find all planets, including the coolest one of all: Earth.
Personalized Embosser
There are several sites online offering these, so poke around if you don’t like the designs on Amazon. Don’t put an address on these seals; just your initials - that way you can use it on your notebooks, letters, diary, everything.
Glow Stick Shapes
Young or old, we all need these once in a while.
Sticker Subscription
Pipstick is a sticker subscription service! Who doesn’t love stickers?!?!
Crane Scissors
Snip, snip, snip, pretty, pretty, pretty
Paper Nano Kit
Paper Nano Kits are intricate, laser-cut paper projects. They are available in loads of designs.

Everyone loves typewriters, but new ones are expensive and unnecessary. So just hunt around your local Goodwill. Within a handful of visits, I promise you will find one. Have fun!